three days after Public Policy Polling found that just about no one likes Sarah Palin or Donald Trump, the pollsters say today that Arizonans don't like their senators either.

Arizona Senator John McCain -- who had a 40 percent approval rating in the firm's January polling -- now has a 34 percent approval rating, the second-lowest among U.S. senators in the nation.

"[McCain] has improved considerably with the GOP after a bruising primary battle last summer and his White House loss, but he is in the basement with everyone else," the pollsters say in a statement.

The only U.S. Senator disliked more than John McCain is Independent Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman -- with just 29 percent of Connecticut respondents approving of his job performance.

To be fair to McCain, Republican Nevada Senator John Ensign had a lower approval rating than The Maverick -- but it doesn't really count, since Ensign quit his post earlier in the week amid an ethics investigation.

Then there's Arizona Senator Jon Kyl -- in the aftermath of his "not intended to be a factual statement" gaffe -- who managed to drop down 27 spots in the Senate popularity contest to a ranking of "well below" average, ending with a mere 42 percent approval rating.

To the likely surprise of no one, Arizona's other two big-name goofballs -- Governor Jan Brewer and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio -- both had slightly favorable approval ratings.

And for the fun fact of the day, only 20 percent of respondents said Arizona should have an official state gun.

The 623 Arizona voters responding to the poll -- mostly old, white Republicans -- were the same respondents in the Palin/Trump results released on Tuesday.