But if we had room in our hearts to love two other things, they would easily be geekery and sexy dames. So why not combine the two? There’s nothing more attractive than a lady with a passion, especially if that passion is for some geek thrill like our favorite video game. Here are some of the sexiest women cosplaying as characters that were never meant to be attractive females. Just don't ask us to closely examine our attraction to women cross-dressing as hirsute plumbers or Harrison Ford.
We're going to one-two you here because everyone knows Mario starts off cute and adorably tiny, like this hotness toting around her geek cred bonus points in an R2-D2 backpack...
BOOM! Only to blossom into a mighty powerhouse with the consumption of magic mushrooms! This latent latex lady lurking within Mario's frame makes us want to slip on a Tanooki Suit and turn to stone, though we'd only last five seconds. On second thought, let's move on. This is getting uncomfortably close to furrydom.
Mmm-hmm, that's one fine-lookin' (wo)Mandalorian. But equally attractive? The care that went into that costume. You might find a foxy female who can put such an ensemble together and even carry it off, but how many of those have the passion for the Force that makes this picture all kinds of tingly?
Who's that hunting Boba Fett for a frisky pillow fight? Only slightly less hairy than either an Italian plumber or a plush raccoon suit is Mr. Han Solo. Now granted, the womenfolk find Harrison Ford crushworthy, but we much prefer the smoother Ms. version (though we can't imagine she'll stay Solo for long). See, this way you get spaceship stunts and sexy bad-assness. It's a very good nerd cocktail. Just try to stay away from any "Hand Solo" jokes.
Of course, you can take that smooth finish too far. Say, all the way to robotic chrome. These shimmering blondes aren't actually robots in disguise, but are in disguise as robots. And the next time you're tired of dealing with other people, remember you never had to spend an entire weekend in a convention full of guys repeating the pickup line: "Nice headlights."
Now who's that delightfully proper Riddler? It's like Agatha Christie wrote an issue of "Detective Comics." We respect class in our daily naked ogling of almost-naked ladies, and, brother, the dame's got it, with an ascot and everything. Plus, do you have any idea how hard it is to find a green cane?
There's a lot to like about Deadpool, but considering he has skin that looks like it was scraped from a frying pan full of corned beef hash, you wouldn't say "sexy" is one of those things. That's why this much improved version sports some significant upgrades, like curvature, fair beauty and not being a lunatic (we assume).
The Pokémon series is what happens when cute meets dangerous, and there's not much cuter nor more dangerous than a curvy blonde in a whole lot of mini and not a lot of skirt. This shockingly bare costume makes us want to make puns about Poké Balls, but to be honest, we're kind of speechless right now. Pikachu, we definitely choose you!
Photos: Maximum PC, Etsy, Epic Awesome, NerdyGirlLove